Vulnerability Equals Strength

Vulnerability Equals Strength

photo credit Six years ago, I started writing a memoir. I was three quarters of the way through writing and with a full book proposal, when my hyper-manic episode came. Two weeks in the mental ward of a Budapest hospital and the entire arc of my story changed. My work...
Vulnerability is Costly

Vulnerability is Costly

Photo Source I stood in front of over a hundred women who love Jesus just like me. It was the end of our Church’s Women’s Retreat. As happened with me often, I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit during ‘open mike’ time. Since I started on my...
Vulnerability Is Intentional

Vulnerability Is Intentional

I’ve been feeling really scattered these days. I hate feeling scattered. It seems to mess with just about everything I love–My joy, peace, hope, vulnerability and many other things. The thing with feeling scattered is that it may have a good origin. For...
My Story

My Story

I am a farm girl at heart. But when I took my first plane trip at age twenty to Barcelona, Spain, I knew I would never be the same. Since then, I have served overseas in Latin America as a single woman and with my family in Hungary. Yet one of the greatest treasures...