Why Am I Here? And What Destiny Really Means

Why Am I Here? And What Destiny Really Means

Why Am I Here? It’s not a light question, but in our heart of hearts we find it a persistent one. For me I usually ask this when I feel like all is ho-hum or rutted in my day-to-day life. I know I am here to glorify and love God as His daughter, a wife, mother,...
The Ebbs and Flows of Our Mental Health

The Ebbs and Flows of Our Mental Health

Though my healing journey is real, some days, and moments, are just hard. There is an ebbing and flowing to how we are really doing. I say ‘we’ because we are all on a mental health journey. It is a part of living in a fallen world, a broken world, which...
Winter Comes and Winter Goes

Winter Comes and Winter Goes

It’s been a minute. Thank you for grace and continuing on the journey with me 🙂 I got up at 4:30 am to run with my running group this morning. It was a balmy 49 degrees here in Chicagoland. I ran less than a week ago in 4 degree weather. Winter comes and winter...
Vulnerability Equals Strength

Vulnerability Equals Strength

photo credit Six years ago, I started writing a memoir. I was three quarters of the way through writing and with a full book proposal, when my hyper-manic episode came. Two weeks in the mental ward of a Budapest hospital and the entire arc of my story changed. My work...