How Vulnerability Brings Thankfulness

How Vulnerability Brings Thankfulness

I don’t always take kindly to being vulnerable. But, these days, when I am, it comes from a place of deep thankfulness. When I speak vulnerably I know I am being and will be infused with perspective and strength. And by offering places of pain and shame to the...
Vulnerability Is A Discipline

Vulnerability Is A Discipline

Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. ~ Robert Frost A few short months after we returned from Hungary, we entered an entirely new community. It was a beautiful community, but still, a new...
Vulnerability Is a Gift

Vulnerability Is a Gift

I am one of those people who could never hide what I was thinking or feeling. The perpetual ‘heart on her sleeve’ kind of girl. I would often be the first to share in a group setting. And in the teenage years, pretty much through my early twenties, I would...
The Power of Vulnerability {a new series}

The Power of Vulnerability {a new series}

I am a bit of a rebel when it comes to defining things. I don’t like opening up a dictionary and looking for a word. I would rather define it through experience. It makes it more real and gives weight to the meaning. This is especially true, for me, with the...
Hope Grows Here :: Our Renewed Story

Hope Grows Here :: Our Renewed Story

I walk into a room. It’s kind of like where Lucy finds the Magician’s spell book in The Chronicles of Narnia :: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. But there are no ornate decorations or a sense of mystery. It’s just very old and dusty all around. There...
Hope Grows Here :: The Tiny Seed

Hope Grows Here :: The Tiny Seed

I am sitting down to write this on Valentine’s Day. It’s a day where you can find the overt, the flashy, the BIG gesture and too often the token offering. It can be hard to know what’s real on a day like Valentine’s Day which asks nothing of us...
Hope Grows Here: Celebration

Hope Grows Here: Celebration

It’s been a while since I have written here. I don’t know why, just that I haven’t ‘felt’ like it. That’s something I don’t usually let myself say, especially if I want to be a grown up;) But, the other day a friend was...
Hope Grows Here {A New Series}

Hope Grows Here {A New Series}

I put the tagline ‘hope grows here’ at the top of my blog. I thought maybe if I did, I would live up to it. Recently, the Lord has been impressing upon me the nature of hope. He’s been gently, yet firmly, calling me deeper into it. He’s been...
How to Walk This Road: Things Unseen

How to Walk This Road: Things Unseen

The memory is vivid. I was driving home that morning. I had just left a high school Bible Study and the man I would marry, though I didn’t know it then. I was returning to my mother. She was in her final days as her war with cancer raged and ravaged. I was going...