
Go ::

Beloved is…Beloved lives.  I want to walk these days and sing and dance with the Song of the Abba Father in His Infinite Joy as it lilts over and down and in and through me.  I want to know of His infinitely tender gaze that my own heart-bursting one can’t even begin to match when I cup the faces of the 3 precious little ones that I have been given.

I look into their beloved faces and I think that there could never, ever be a love like this for me.  But, there is, there is, oh how this beloved one wants to live like the beloved she is.

The tender heart of the eternal God who is powerful in ways that spoke the world into existence and holds it all together with his pinky finger and sets the stars so high above my head and in that billionth galaxy away from ours too…truly, truly to live like the beloved of His he declares me to be.

There would be a lot of things different for me, I know.  That twinkle that no amount of self-doubt could wipe away or the seemingly mundane could dull…that minute to minute, moment to moment wonder as the Beloved Father fills my life to overflowing with His gifts…

with tender smiles

and with satisfied coo’s

and with jumping boy joys

and with the knowledge tucked deep and secure that this Beauty, this Love and it’s overwhelmingly true fulfillment has only just begun.


faith filled friday