Five Minute Friday :: Crowd

Five Minute Friday :: Crowd

And it’s rush hour and the bus is crowded there’s a kid with headphones and he’s jammin’.  My beloved taps on shoulder and asks in Hungarian if he can talk with him. And there’s a homeless man behind a former grocery store and the crowds they pass. but not my...
Five Minute Friday :: CHOOSE

Five Minute Friday :: CHOOSE

GO :: Looking to the hopeful side I am going to pick up what is ever yet to be. Hope springs in heart and life and I will choose it. It’s this relentless dragging down that’s always getting me. Carrying the burden of the past and add to that the perfect running...
Five Minute Friday :: Small

Five Minute Friday :: Small

Fragile is the hand that ticks the moments of a life. In tragedy the world over all too often the hand it stops and time here is done. Eternity only will bring the reuniting. Only the good die young, it is true. And only the strong and brave survive to live amidst the...