Beautiful Budapest overlooking the Chain Bridge and Castle…come visit?


I ache for the beauty of this, my coming home.  I ache for the knowing what lies there in all of its pain and promise.  I ache for those who live in grey and sadness still and wait for hope to be born in their souls.  I ache for all that the generation come there and here will face and suffer and stand for and walk boldly in as they are made spirit ready for what is to come.

And I ache for home, this home where soon will fade the touch of the faces who have loved us our whole lives through.  Those who know us as no others and who in all of their own faith and surrender have let us go in their hearts and pray us to our new home and will pray with us for this life ahead.

And I ache for Home.  Oh, how I ache for Home.  I think of those who have just lost little ones and they are so close to my heart.  I think of those who wait me there…I think of the good dying young and the brave dying strong and their glory is full and forever before the throne but yet they still wait with us for all complete and the wiping of every tear.

And I ache as a Mama for the Home I want forever for these little ones.  The things most deeply prayed that their faith will weave full and deep and that they will mount up on wings like eagles and shine as stars in the heavens and that they will dare to be daniels.  Their future is so much more unknown then so many others and yet tucks the assurance as I type these words that the safest is the center of His will.

And He has been teaching us to ache for Him and to be His in this world in such a way that holds our wills in His in His palm and so the ache stretches forward even as it embraces



faith filled friday