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And it’s somewhere between the pages of the

hymnbook of my youth and the creative

songs sung today

And it’s between the pews on a Sunday morning

and the cushioned chairs of a modern building

and the converted theater that is now

my church home.

It is somewhere between the timeless

and the oh-so-present journey of a calling

that has spanned 10’s of thousands of miles

and 10’s of thousands of prayers

for this one life.

Somewhere between the singing and eye closing

and the privilege of doing it all in my heart

language.  When it’s a baby room and it’s

a great chance to practice Hungarian as kids

drool, sleep, play and nurse.

And it’s somewhere when those lines sung

in this crazy hard new language…when there is

a resonance of heart and spirit even if the mind

is catching up to their meaning

those lines of that song that talk about the earth

and sky and you sing them again and again

and you have been given wings to fly and this big

wide country in need of people whose lives

are worship that I’m finding, finding, finding the

way to live like it is all real.

To take away the barriers that can so easily define

a worship that is so very, very, very much about me…

the feelings I get, the understanding I have,

the emotions that are called forth…and it’s there between

the God who calls for the worship of the letting go of

the dying to all that’s me of the surrender and of the

trusting in the hard and confusing and you literally

can not understand what is happening places that I am

beginning to see it all be…re-defined.


faith filled friday