
Go ::

And it’s a new day and the mercies that grace glide right off of a heart and mind that races and a 36 week pregnant body that knows that there is no physical race she can run right now.

And the race is real and the race has a vortex that pulls and calls for perfection.  And the voice is real and yet the circumstances render perfection impossible.

And the kids they want to just play at home but it’s time for school and there’s enough squatting and tying shoes and trying to breath {literally} and everything that can go wrong does…son has a poopy accident AFTER we’re in the car and daughter is just wanting the space to live and laugh and not be rushed and mommy bends down and fails to breathe in any way as she changes the poo in the apartment garage.

And then we race to school and the kids they remind me in the traffic to laugh and live in joy and that I have every chance to make their day with my own smile and joy and I know that it is against the human race to choose joy…

But joy I must, joy I am made for…Joy or rather ‘Source of Joy’ is my name given not as a mistake but as a promise of the life I’m meant to live.

And all of my might wants the race…the race that is long and hard and yet the one that sees the little things and loves in the grind and triumphs when the odds are against and looks to Heaven and the author and finisher of the only Race that matters who sets aside everything that would hold him back and for joy, eternal joy and Heaven’s prize takes the crown and reigns in love and redemption and leads me, leads us, all of the fighters for and towards what will matter forever and this is the race that digs deep and reminds what we’re made of and must find what we’re made of and wouldn’t change the course for all of the perfection in the world.

