It’s crazy these days…we return back to Hungary in a few short days. I am packing again and cannot remember where I slept a few nights ago. It’s the exhausting of this at-times very nomadic life we lead as missionaries.

I wrote this post a couple of months ago, before we started months of travel.  It is all still true, but it is humbling, reminding, challenging, encouraging and freeing to remember how God met me in a very hard point of our transition overseas.

To GOD be the Glory for ALL that He has given and intends for us to enjoy in marriage. It’s all for Him and we ARE going Home forever so we can release the worry, exhaustion, pain, doubt and fear into His Forever Healing Arms and Live, Really Live, vibrantly, fully and His.

Here’s an excerpt ::

But something was desperately missing.

I think you know where this is going.

Like so many women, sex had become duty for me. My husband has always been patient, sacrificial and desires to give me pleasure. Yet, this too, had become predictable and just not very fun.  We had our moments, but, the sad truth was we were living the adventure in big ways and yet it was missing from the most intimate space between us.

I knew things would have been different as far as frequency in our sex life if I could get over my tiredness which, of course, made me feel more guilty and, in turn, more tired. Why couldn’t I give more? Why didn’t I want to? What was wrong with me?

It was an evening last fall when I somehow (can you say divine inspiration?) found Sheila’s book 31 Days to Great Sex. Much to my husband’s delight we began to read it together that night. The next morning I woke up with a profound sense of hope in my spirit.

It was a strange thought to me, yet I knew it was from God. You see, I had been meditating on hope and seeking answers through His Word. But I just couldn’t grasp it. I was body, mind, soul weary. That fall was full of intense spiritual warfare as the Enemy of souls, marriage and ministry was gunning hard for me to give up.

So many things were coming together in our new life, but I was dying inside. And at the depth of my struggle, I was crying out for hope.

Read the entire post at Sheila’s website :: Confessions of a Tired Wife

Also sharing with Jennifer for #TellHisStory and Emily for #ImperfectProse