Our lives are not meant to stand on their own.  We are designed to live in remembrance of those who have gone before.  Those who have lined the way of our lives and built into us are each treasures to be stored in the hallowed places of our hearts.

One of my favorite all-time quotes is by Rigoberta Menchu—a Nobel Peace Prize winner for her compelling life story that exposed the horrors of the oppression she and her indigenous people face in Guatemala—goes like this ::

“The moment that you think that something that you do belongs to you, you lose the way.”

As our little family is on the verge of a great stepping out & a great change & a great marker of an incredible journey, I find that I want to and need to remember.

All of my life has been a part of something much greater.  We live and learn and long for those most dear to be a part of us and for ourselves to be a part of them.  In no station or vocation or calling does this seem more true than that of mother.  We are constantly dying that our precious children might live.

My dear friend, Bevy first met me through Fan the Flame and later we met at church.Smile She shares her heart at Treasured Up and Pondered.  This week she began her own ‘Mugs & Muffins’ and featured one my classic posts, The Way of Mothers.  Would you please hop over to her place and hear what she has to say about the imprint others leave on our lives and meet her too.


