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I’m humbly treading the hallowed ground of the Heart of God for the 31 days of October.  First we look deep into the Beauty of His heart, shown through God the Father and His Son Jesus, then, we peer into the fragile and yet powerful role of our own hearts as we seek His and learn to live it in this world.  To read the entire series go{here} 31 Days to His Heart.

May YOU be blessed with a touch of Him TODAY…He who desires and is Fully Worthy of ALL of our hearts!


Let’s stand amazed in the presence of all that is good forever because of Jesus…

Romans 8:28

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Revelation 21:5

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”


Because of Jesus, there is Good News.  Good news that really makes everything good. 

For the hurting, grieving, broken, hopeless, despairing, there is THE promise of good.  Not just a dose of good to band-aid this diseased world, but good that makes all things new.

Because His heart did not resign the world to its fate, but made a way to redeem, to buy back, all that has gone wrong, there is ever and only good. 

Because He IS MAKING all things new from a heart that faced an infinite darkness, a darkness only understood by God when God rips Himself apart and cuts off the infinite love always known within the His Triune Self, for the purchasing of a new world, a new family, we can trust Him. His heart.  It is all good.

We can look full in His face and beat our breasts bloody for all that we hate within and without and He hears and sees and offers a good emanating from His heart that reaches deeper than the angst.  the doubt.  the fear.  the loneliness.

Friends, I am STAKING MY ALL right here.  I am stilling and remembering and claiming and clinging and saying either I believe or I don’t.

And heart of hearts who yet shields herself in shrouds of doubt and entertains the serpents age-old lies rests in full on gaze at the only One who seals into the deep the resilient promise of good, good, ever and always good.

Praying His Heart

Good, oh so good Lord Jesus, do we ever need to look anywhere but Your heart.  You bring all that is good about God close and re-define good itself in a way that can never be destroyed or altered.  Pull me deep within the realities of Your goodness.  Remind my straying heart of Your heart that never strayed and stayed the course and has made everything good.

I worship You, Praise You and pray in Your Good Name to Your Good Heart, Amen.


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31 Days 2011:: The Community Collection


