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I’m humbly treading the hallowed ground of the Heart of God for the 31 days of October.  First we look deep into the Beauty of His heart, shown through God the Father and His Son Jesus, then, we peer into the fragile and yet powerful role of our own hearts as we seek His and learn to live it in this world.  To read the entire series go{here} 31 Days to His Heart.

May YOU be blessed with a touch of Him TODAY…He who desires and is Fully Worthy of ALL of our hearts!

Before we begin, let’s behold His goodness that we might be changed…

Psalm 103: 2, 5

2 Bless the Lord, O my soul,

and forget not all his benefits,

5     who satisfies you with good

so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Psalm 107:9   

9     For he satisfies the longing soul,

and the hungry soul he fills with good things.

Joshua 21:45

45 Not one word of all the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass.

Psalm 34:8

8     Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!

Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!


Psalm 103 establishes beautifully the goodness of the heart of God.

“He satisfies YOU with good things, SO THAT your youth is renewed like the eagles.”

His heart is good, oh so good! It is our feast of delight to partake of the goodness of God’s heart towards His children. He gives good things without end and our youth is renewed!

This amazes me. This is a world where the rich and famous desperately look for a proverbial ‘fountain of youth’ in all of the treatments ever-developing to push back the hands of time all the while living in fear that it will never be found and they will age and life, as they know it, over {and to my shame, I adopt this faulty thinking more than I want to admit;}. Yet the poorest of poor is ever youthful feeding from His heart of goodness.

And so I say, let’s dive into it! This never-ending goodness that flows from the Divine affection and renews our youth for it is the sweetest of all rivers and it will never cease to flow to us, who seek Him and come to His heart.

On the heels of Day #4 ’s look at this God’s heart for relationship, I am all the more sweetly blessed to realize the intense personal nature of His goodness.

This makes me think very much of Ann’s book, One Thousand Gifts, for who can ever get to the bottom of His goodness overflowing our moments?

Yesterday, as I squeezed the dish soap for the next round of dishes ten’s of tiny bubbles floated into the air and I thought of the ‘bubbles of time’ and my mouth spread to sweet smile at thoughts of how jumping into any of these iridescent beauties displayed in the miracles and wonders of my life would lead me to the infinite depth of Him and His heart.

As it fits to speak of His goodness and to NOT FORGET what He gives or live like it is any less than good, I break open some bubbles of life and dive into His heart by thanking Him for:

~baby girl’s hair flying high in the breeze

~chubby cheeks that giggle all the more clearly as said hair flies

~sun through trees where breezes make for glory on my window shade

~son’s eyes when he lays on the ground and I look down at him

~daughter, all of 2, to really help with dinner preparations;} and shout ‘I help!’, ‘I crush!’{the tortilla chips} and ‘I shake!’{the spices}

~daughter’s favorite play place nooked under the table

~son who shakes his new teacher’s hand like a little man

~baby girl who asks to pray for Daddy who’s working to get us ready to go while I put her to bed

~son’s inquisitive brow as he asks questions and understands {a bit} of the answer

~counting flowers and swings and anything we can find

~a two year-old who can count to 13:}


And now…I’m drinking, drinking in the soul air to match the crispness of this Fall Day and my spirit~lungs soar and fly high and far into His Good Heart with renewed youth!

His heart is oh so good! Will you taste and see with me?

Praying His Heart

You are the God whose heart is ever-good. Your affection never ceases to flow to Your children lavishing us in the glory of Your goodness. Oh, for fresh eyes to see Your heart and just fall within the ocean of your goodness that like the sweet water of Aslan’s country sinks deep into our every fiber and renews our youth!! Would You touch us here that we might breathe in and taste the sweetness of You and hear Your melody and sing Your praise?…Oh Lord, You are Good! Amen!

