“And not only the creation, but WE OURSELVES WHO HAVE THE FIRSTFRUITS OF THE SPIRIT groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies, for in this hope we were saved.

Now hope that is seen is no hope. 

FOR WHO HOPES FOR WHAT HE SEES?  But, if we HOPE FOR WHAT WE DO NOT SEE we wait for it with patience.’

~Romans 8: 23-25

I still here, quiet, typing these words from memory, a poignant word from an exquisite section of Scripture {I had memorized all of Romans 8 when I was pregnant with my daughter}.

And I think of the numbing of my soul and the strong pull towards discouragement as I look at what remains for us to be able to go…

And I know that it must be this way.  I must be in the place of NOT SEEING for hope to really be…hope.

And so when tumultuous economies and unemployment highs and all that wants to say this journey is impossible…I choose hope.

Hope in His promise, for He who calls is faithful.

Reminders of no worries in a year of drought as I trust in the Lord.

Precious sunshiney poetic psalms that say they {the meek, those who trust in the Lord, those who wait for the Lord, those who are blessed by the Lord} are not put to shame in evil times.  IN THE DAY OF FAMINE THEY HAVE ABUNDANCE.

And I thank Him again for a journey that keeps me ever so close to His Word.  How it is the only salve for this soul that can’t take another step and live in a shallow faith…a counterfeit faith that is really logic and trusts in the security of this world.  No.  that is not the way we walk.  We walk as those whose ‘righteousness He brings forth as the Dawn’ as we commit our way to Him, Trust in Him and know He will act‘…

And when I sink deep in the ocean of Him.  His Love.  His Grace.  His Promises.  And seek first His kingdom, can I ever hear anything but a hopeful word?


in the hush of the moon