
counting for nearly

a century

she remembers


days when

duty called

and expectant


mama answered

but quit

the collecting


for others

and fed the

mouths given.


‘necessity the

mother of invention’

lived long


and creative

spun life

for ten


wee ones

mouthing Swedish

prayers all


through the

darkened days

now lives


in legacy this

one of



who raises

generation coming

in hundreds


amidst multitudes

of witnesses

called blessings.

AWA 11/28/2010

Written for One Shoot Sunday @ One Stop Poetry

This poem reflects the life of my Swedish Grandmother (Mor Mor) now ninety-seven.  She and my Pop Pop met while he was an officer in the Salvation Army. They served for a number of years and lived in very difficult situations with two young children and when she was cold with two wee ones and expecting a third ‘ringing the bell’ decided they couldn’t continue this work and raise a family.  So my Pop Pop worked from the ground up in a company and they raised ten children during the Great Depression and beyond in Connecticut and later Pennsylvania.  They gave thirty percent of their income to the church and various ministries including the Salvation Army…always the “first fruits”.  “Necessity is the mother of invention” was her favorite saying and she lived it—still does any chance she gets! 

I am one of forty-four grandchildren and my daughter is the 105th great- grandchild.  This list will keep being added to for at least a few more years.

My grandparents believed in raising a large family to love God and their world.  We are by no stretch of the imagination perfect, but the majority of us do live out this legacy and are committed to it.